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- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 147(2019)‘Crazy love’: nonlinearity and irrationality in mate choice; Animal expertise: mechanisms, ecology and evolution; Guidelines for the treatment of animals in behavioural research and teaching.
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 148(2019)When to fight? Disentangling temperature and circadian effects on aggression and agonistic contests; Females increase parental care, but not fecundity, when mated to high-quality males in a biparental fish; Adjustment of total activity as a response to handicapping European starlings during parental care; Playbacks of Asian honey bee stop signals demonstrate referential inhibitory communication; Current energy state interacts with the developmental environment to influence behavioural plasticity; The causal relationship between sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism in marine gastropods; Parasitism and queen presence interactively shape worker behaviour and fertility in an ant host; Chestnut-collared longspurs reduce parental care in the presence of conventional oil and gas development and roads; Red does not always outperform black: morph-specific behavioural variation in response to environmental changes; Social ontogeny in the communication system of an insect; Sex-specific effects of testosterone on vocal output in a tropical suboscine bird; Individual plasticity in alternative reproductive tactics declines with social experience in male guppies; Anogenital distance predicts sexual odour preference in African giant pouched rats; Eavesdropping magpies respond to the number of heterospecifics giving alarm calls but not the number of species calling; Both familiarity and kinship influence odour discrimination by females in a highly social African ground squirrel; Familiarity increases aggressiveness among clonal fish; Food allocation and feeding behaviours of Magellanic penguin, Spheniscus magellanicus, adults and chicks; Making the best of a bad situation: differential predator avoidance in a diminutive woodland salamander.
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 149(2019)The use of multilayer network analysis in animal behaviour; The cost of carryover effects in a changing environment: context-dependent benefits of a behavioural phenotype in a coral reef fish; The first winter influences lifetime wintering decisions in a partially migrant bird; High air temperatures induce temporal, spatial and social changes in the foraging behaviour of wild zebra finches; Nocturnal navigation by whip spiders: antenniform legs mediate near-distance olfactory localization of a shelter; Sexual cooperation relies on food controlled by females in agromyzid flies; Acoustic signalling of aggressive intent in the agonistic encounters of female Asian particoloured bats; Trends and perspectives on the use of animal social network analysis in behavioural ecology: a bibliometric approach; Faecal avoidance differs between the sexes but not with nematode infection risk in mandrills; Environmentally mediated reproductive success predicts breeding dispersal decisions in an early successional amphibian; Uncovering the decision rules behind collective foraging in spider monkeys; Know your enemy? Conservation management causes loss of antipredator behaviour to novel predators in New Zealand robins; Correlates of home range sizes of giraffes, Giraffa camelopardalis; Data reduction analyses of animal behaviour: avoiding Kaiser's criterion and adopting more robust automated methods.
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 150(2019)Behavioural research priorities for the study of animal response to climate change; The effect of against-background contrast on female preferences for a polymorphic colour sexual signal; Spatial cognitive performance is linked to thigmotaxis in field crickets; Developmental stage-dependent response and preference for host plant quality in an insect herbivore; Fussing over food: factors affecting the vocalizations American crows utter around food; The importance of individual variation in the alarm calls of Gunnison's prairie dogs; Pair bonding in monogamously and polygynously kept African striped mice, Rhabdomys pumilio; Slow natal dispersal across a homogeneous landscape suggests the use of mixed movement behaviours during dispersal in the Darwin's frog; Ephemeral temporal partitioning may facilitate coexistence in competing species; Temporal and spatial pattern of trail clearing in the Australian meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus; Boldness at the nest predicts foraging and diving behaviour of female but not male African penguins; Dismantling Babel: creation of a universal calibration for honey bee waggle dance decoding; The good fathers: efficiency of male care and the protective role of foster parents in a Neotropical arachnid; Time constraints imposed by anthropogenic environments alter social behaviour in longtailed macaques; Evidence of high individual variability in seed management by scatter-hoarding rodents: does ‘personality’ matter?; Mixed support for state maintaining risky personality traits in yellow-bellied marmots; Black-tailed prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus (Sciuridae), metapopulation response to novel sourced conspecific signals; No evidence that male sexual experience increases mating success in a coercive mating system; Social context modulates how the winner effect restructures territorial behaviour in free-living woodpeckers;
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 151(2019)Animal communication, cognition, and the evolution of language; Communication in social insects and how it is shaped by individual experience; Birdsong learning, avian cognition and the evolution of language; The speech-like properties of nonhuman primate vocalizations; Volition and learning in primate vocal behaviour; Rules, rhythm and grouping: auditory pattern perception by birds; Evolutionary roads to syntax; Syntactic rules in avian vocal sequences as a window into the evolution of compositionality.
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 152(2019)Pause and travel: How sneakers approach closer to spawning sites under territorial vigilance; How life in a tolerant society affects the attention to social information in baboons; Diet cues and their utility for risk assessment in degraded habitats; Male bull-headed shrikes use food caches to improve their condition-dependent song performance and pairing success; Vertical and horizontal vegetation cover synergistically shape prey behaviour; Et tu, brother? Kinship and increased nutrition lower the incidence of cannibalism in male bulb mites; Adaptive gene regulation in wild mammals exposed to high predator abundance; Operational sex ratio and density predict the potential for sexual selection in the broad-horned beetle; Social isolation prevents the development of individual face recognition in paper wasps; Gut microbial diversity increases with social rank in the African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni; Male Norway rats cooperate according to direct but not generalized reciprocity rules;
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 153(2019)Older males attract more females but get fewer matings in a wild field cricket; The influence of maternal nesting behaviour on offspring survival: evidence from correlational and cross-fostering studies; Miniature spiders (with miniature brains) forget sooner; Increased aggressive motivation towards formidable opponents: evidence of a novel form of mutual assessment; Cannibalism of young is related to low paternity and nest take-overs in an intertidal fish; Similar predator aversion for natural prey with diverse toxicity levels; When the nose knows: ontogenetic changes in detection dogs' (Canis familiaris) responsiveness to social and olfactory cues; No evidence for behavioural syndrome and genetic basis for three personality traits in a wild bird population; How life in a tolerant society affects the usage of grunts: evidence from female and male Guinea baboons; Fear contagion in zebrafish: a behaviour affected by familiarity; Heterospecific information supports a foraging mutualism between corvids and raptors; Dogs' sensitivity to strange pup separation calls: pitch instability increases attention regardless of sex and experience; Whispers on the wind: male cane toads modify mate searching and amplexus tactics based on calls from other males; Associative learning and memory retention of nectar yeast volatiles in a generalist parasitoid; Lifetime changes in vocal syntactic complexity of rock hyrax males are determined by social class; Putting mechanisms in foraging theory: the role of computational mechanisms in optimal decision making; A distributed-consensus mechanism of decision making explains economically irrational behaviours; The mean matters: going beyond repeatability to interpret behavioural variation.
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 154(2019)Accounting for pseudoreplication is not possible when the source of nonindependence is unknown; Assessing the effect of pseudoreplication when individual identities are unknown: a reply to Gratton & Mundry.
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 155(2019)A meta-analysis of interindividual differences in innovation; Cache placement near nests by a multiple-prey loader, the Siberian chipmunk; Group size and decision making: experimental evidence for minority games in fish behaviour; Personality homophily affects male social bonding in wild Assamese macaques, Macaca assamensis; Choosy Gulf pipefish males ignore age but prefer active females with deeply keeled bodies; Multimodal cues facilitate nest recognition in carpenter bee aggregations; Range overlap and spatiotemporal relationships of frugivorous lemurs at Kianjavato, Madagascar; Eavesdropping on adult vocal interactions does not enhance juvenile song learning: an experiment with wild songbirds; Causes and consequences of avian within-season dispersal decisions in a dynamic grassland environment; Dappled light disrupts prey detection by masking movement; Effects of predator call playbacks on reproductive success and extrapair paternity in blue tits; Mimicry cannot explain rejection type in a host–brood parasite system; Bumblebees forage on flowers of increasingly complex morphologies despite low success; Submissive behaviour is mediated by sex, social status, relative body size and shelter availability in a social fish; Can your behaviour blow you away? Contextual and phenotypic precursors to passive aerial dispersal in phytophagous mites; Sensory differences mediate species variation in detour task performance; Out of sight, out of mind: mechanisms of social choice in fish; Dynamic networks of fighting and mating in a wild cricket population; Wolves in space: locations of individuals and their effect on pup survival in groups of a cooperatively breeding canid; Plant volatiles are a salient cue for foraging mammals: elephants target preferred plants despite background plant odour; Exploratory behaviour covaries with preference for unfamiliar males in female guppies;
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 156(2019)Spatial learning through active electroreception in Gnathonemus petersii; Be prudent if it fits you well: male mate choice depends on male size in a golden orb-weaver spider; Sexually dimorphic blue bands are intrasexual aposematic signals in nonterritorial damselflies; Play for prey: do deer fawns play to develop species-typical antipredator tactics or to prepare for the unexpected?; Plumage melanism is linked to male quality, female parental investment and assortative mating in an alpine songbird; Variation in intraspecific sperm translocation behaviour in a damselfly and its consequences for sperm viability; Behavioural responses of songbirds to preen oil odour cues of sex and species; Division of labour in territorial defence and pup retrieval by pair-bonded California mice, Peromyscus californicus; The influence of the invasive process on behaviours in an intentionally introduced hybrid, Xiphophorus helleri–maculatus; Copy when uncertain: lower light levels increase trail pheromone depositing and reliance on pheromone trails in ants; Antipredator function of vigilance re-examined: vigilant birds delay escape; Male use of chemical signals in sex discrimination of Hawaiian swordtail crickets (genus Laupala); Sperm competition tactics shape paternity: adaptive role of extremely long copulations in a wolf spider; Turbidity increases risk perception but constrains collective behaviour during foraging by fish shoals; Alternation of nest visits varies with experimentally manipulated workload in brood-provisioning great tits; Pair coordination is related to later brood desertion in a provisioning songbird; Corrigendum to ‘Fear contagion in zebrafish: a behaviour affected by familiarity’ [Animal Behaviour 153 (2019) 95–103].
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 157(2019)Size matters: shiny cowbirds secure more food than host nestmates thanks to their larger size, not signal exaggeration; Dispersal decisions and personality in a freshwater fish; Behavioural repeatability is affected by early developmental conditions in a butterfly; Detecting social (in)stability in primates from their temporal co-presence network; Camera traps provide a robust alternative to direct observations for constructing social networks of wild chimpanzees; Erratum to ‘Chimpanzees, but not bonobos, attend more to infant than adult conspecifics’ [Animal Behaviour 154 (2019) 171–181].
- Tài liệuAnimal Behaviour vol 158(2019)Effects of artificial light at night and male calling on movement patterns and mate location in field crickets; Mechanism for establishing and maintaining the reproductive hierarchy in a eusocial mammal, the Damaraland mole-rat; Snake alarm calls as a public good in sooty mangabeys; Correlated evolution of nest and egg characteristics in birds; High perceived predation risk during development affects mutual mate choice in a cichlid fish; Presence of parents during early rearing affects offspring responses towards predators; Cue-based decision rules of cleaner fish in a biological market task; Genetic variation in sexual aggression and the factors that determine forced copulation success; Playful pigs: early life play-fighting experience influences later life contest dynamics; Performance on tests of cognitive ability is not repeatable across years in a songbird; Olfactory and tactile cues can guide near-distance location of a refuge by whip spiders (Arachnida, Amblypygi);