Applied Geography vol 112
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Combining feminist political ecology and participatory diagramming to study climate information service delivery and knowledge flows among smallholder farmers in northern Ghana; Exploring the spatial differentiation of urbanization on two sides of the Hu Huanyong Line -- based on nighttime light data and cellular automata; Proximity to parks and natural areas as an environmental determinant to spatial disparities in obesity prevalence; The local variations in regional technological evolution: Evidence from the rise of transmission and digital information technology in China's technology space, 1992–2016; Differences in the perception of urban space via mental maps and Heart Rate Variation (HRV); Where mobile groups settle: Spatial patterns and correlates of Maasai pastoralist sedentarization in Northern Tanzania; Characterising marshland temporal dynamics using remote sensing: The case of Bolboschoenetum maritimi in Doñana national park; Augmenting physical 3D models with projected information to support environmental knowledge exchange; Development of automated multicriteria GIS analysis of gully erosion susceptibility; Quantitative assessment of urbanization and impacts in the complex of Huế Monuments, Vietnam; Validation of spatial multicriteria decision analysis results using public participation GIS.
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