Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment vol 282
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Convergent and divergent responses of topsoil nitrogen and phosphorus content to nutrient addition in natural and restored alpine grasslands around the Qinghai Lake Basin; Assessing revegetation effectiveness on an extremely degraded grassland, southern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, using terrestrial LiDAR and field data; The fate of 15N labeled urea in a soybean-wheat cropping sequence under elevated CO2 and/or temperature; Improved management increases carrying capacity of Brazilian pastures; Rotational grazing management has little effect on remotely-sensed vegetation characteristics across farm fence-line contrasts; Plant functional groups asynchrony keep the community biomass stability along with the climate change- a 20-year experimental observation of alpine meadow in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; Quantifying soil health in a topographically diverse warm-season perennial pasture over-seeded with a mix of cool-season annuals
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