Remote Sensing of Environment volume 220
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2 Inter-comparison of satellite-retrieved and Global Land Data Assimilation System-simulated soil moisture datasets for global drought analysis; 3 Sentinel-2/Landsat-8 product consistency and implications for monitoring aquatic systems; 4 Detection rates and biases of fire observations from MODIS and agency reports in the conterminous United States; 5 Satellite remote sensing of canopy-forming kelp on a complex coastline: A novel procedure using the Landsat image archive; 6 L-band remote-sensing increases sampled levels of global soil moisture-air temperature coupling strength; 7 Detecting soil freeze/thaw onsets in Alaska using SMAP and ASCAT data; 8 Evaluation of GlobCurrent surface ocean current products: A case study in Australia; 9 Measuring rock microstructure in hyperspectral mineral maps; 10 Validation of VIIRS and MODIS reflectance data in coastal and oceanic waters: An assessment of methods; 11 Exploiting UAVSAR for a comprehensive analysis of subsidence in the Sacramento Delta; 12 Intra-annual reflectance composites from Sentinel-2 and Landsat for national-scale crop and land cover mapping.
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