Meat Science volume 156

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17 The effect of electrical stimulation and tenderstretching on colour and oxidation traits of alpaca (Vicunga pacos) meat; 18 Tough aged meat presents greater expression of calpastatin, which presents postmortem protein profile and tenderization related to Nellore steer temperament; 19 Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) products as ingredients for reformulating frankfurters: Effects on quality properties and shelf-life; 20 Pathways and biomarkers of marbling and carcass fat deposition in bovine revealed by a combination of gel-based and gel-free proteomic analyses; 21 Purification and biochemical characteristics of the extracellular protease from Pediococcus pentosaceus isolated from Harbin dry sausages; 22 Targeted metabolomics to reveal muscle-specific energy metabolism between bovine longissimus lumborum and psoas major during early postmortem periods; 23 Hydrogelled emulsion from chia and linseed oils: A promising strategy to produce low-fat burgers with a healthier lipid profile; 24 Meat quality evaluation based on computer vision technique: A review; 25 Impact of water restriction periods on carcass traits and meat quality of feedlot lambs in the Brazilian semi-arid region; 26 Effect of NaCl substitutes on the physical, microbial and sensory characteristics of Harbin dry sausage; 27 Effects of the addition of vinegar, weight loss and packaging method on the physicochemical properties and microbiological profile of biltong; 28 Potassium carbonate improves fresh pork quality characteristics; 29 Modeling of osmotic treatment of ostrich meat coated by tragacanth and salep.
2 Optimising the acceptability of reduced-salt ham with flavourings using a mixture design; 3 Computer vision and remote sensing to assess physiological responses of cattle to pre-slaughter stress, and its impact on beef quality: A review; 4 Capturing consumer value and clustering customer preferences in the Indonesian halal beef market; 5 Effect of NaCl substitutes on lipid and protein oxidation and flavor development of Harbin dry sausage; 6 Roles of Lentinula edodes as the pork lean meat replacer in production of the sausage; 7 Effect of protein thermal stability and protein secondary structure on the roasted mutton texture and colour from different cuts; 8 Feeding lambs with silage mixtures of grass, sainfoin and red clover improves meat oxidative stability under high oxidative challenge; 9 Effects of dietary astaxanthin supplementation on the oxidative stability of meat from suckling lambs fed a commercial milk-replacer containing butylated hydroxytoluene; 10 Association study between backfat fatty acid composition and SNPs in candidate genes highlights the effect of FASN polymorphism in large white pigs; 11 The effect of specialty salts on cooking loss, texture properties, and instrumental color of beef emulsion modeling systems; 12 Pork quality after electrical or carbon dioxide stunning at slaughter; 13 Influence of the method of storage on the quality of venison from wild fallow deer (Dama dama); 14 Rustic Chato Murciano pig breed: Effect of the weight on carcass and meat quality; 15 Heritability and genetic correlations of carcass and meat quality traits in Piemontese young bulls; 16 Physicochemical, sensory and microbiological characterization of Asturian Chorizo, a traditional fermented sausage manufactured in Northern Spain;
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