Bài báo khoa học
Duyệt Bài báo khoa học theo Năm xuất bản
- Ấn phẩmAgronomy journal, Vol 8, No 1 - 1916 : Contributions to agronomic terminology(1916) Piper Charles V.Tạp chí nông học
- Ấn phẩmAAgronomy journal, no 3 - 1917 : Livestock and the maintenance of organic matteer in the soil(1917) Fippin Elmer O.Tạp chí nông học
- Ấn phẩmAgronomy journal, no 6 - 1918 : The triangle system for fertilizer experiments(1918) Skinner J. J.Tạp chí nông học
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- Ấn phẩmConceptual Approaches to Human Ecology(East-West Environment and Policy Institute, 1983) Rambo. A. Terry.
- Ấn phẩmFood aid as a tool of development : The experience of PL 480, Title III. Vol 9, No. 3, Pages 232 - 244(Butterworth & Co, 1984) Garzon, Jose M
- Ấn phẩmMicrobiological profiles of foods served by street vendors in Egypt(1985) Bryan, Frank LTài liệu tham khảo
- Ấn phẩmQuality Control of On - Farm Swine Feed Manufacturing : University of Minnesota(Agricultural Extension Service, 1991) Johnston, Lee J.; Hawton, Jerry D.
- Ấn phẩmFood control for consumers, regulators and producers. Vol. 5, No. 2, Pp 99 - 102(1994) Campbell Platt, Geoffrey
- Ấn phẩmIndicators for food security and nutrition monitoring(Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, 1994) Eele, GrahamTài liệu tham khảo
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- Ấn phẩmEnvironmental and Economic Cost of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits(American Association for the Advancement of Science - AAAS, 1995) Pimentel, David; Harvey, C.; Resosudarmo, P.
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- Ấn phẩmHACCP - based food quality control and rapid detection methods for microorganisms(Elsevier, 1996) Sjiiberg, A.-MTài liệu tham khảo
- Ấn phẩmMeasuring International Competitiveness : the Case of the European Food Industry(Elsevier, 1996) Silva, Joao Gomes daTài liệu tham khảo
- Ấn phẩmMeasuring food insecurity : the frequency and severity of "coping strategies"(Elsevier, 1996) Maxwell, Daniel G.Tài liệu tham khảo
- Ấn phẩmFood demand studies in Sub - Saharan Africa : a survey of empirical evidence : Vol. 21, No. 6, Pp. 479 - 496(Elsevier Science Ltd, 1996) Teklu, T
- Ấn phẩmFood aid and food markets : lessons from Mozambique. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 189 - 209(Elsevier Science, 1996) Tschirley, David; Donovan, Cynthia; Weber, Michael T.
- Ấn phẩmSoil Quality : A Concept, Definition, and Framework for Evaluation(1997) Karlen, D. L.; Mausbach, M.J.; Doran, J.W.; Cline, R.G.; Harris, R.F.; Schuman, G.E.
- Ấn phẩmA review of the nutritional effects of algae in marine fish larvae [Tài nguyên điện tử](Elsevier, 1997) Reitan, Kjell Inge; Rainuzzo, Jose R.; 0ie, Gunvor; Olsen, Yngvar