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A day to remember. Vol. 2 No.2 2012 [Tài nguyên điện tử]

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A premier business school in Central India decides to offer the Best Teacher Award to a faculty who gets the highest feedback from the students. The idea is to motivate the faculty and also help them improve their teaching pedagogy/style, etc. A feedback form is designed and administered in the last session of the course. The average across all the sections and courses is calculated and displayed on the institute's intranet. Soon doubts are raised on the validity of the decision to give away the Best Teacher Award based on students' feedback. The case makes an attempt to highlight that performance is a function of several factors. What apparently seems to be a great performance may not be a great performance and similarly what apparently appears to be poor performance may not necessarily be poor performance. One needs to dig deep into this to arrive at any meaningful conclusion.
Mô tả
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Năm xuất bản
Tác giả
Jain, Kamal K.
Nhà xuất bản
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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