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Weather Analysis and Forecasting : Applying Satellite Water Vapor Imagery and Potential Vorticity Analysis [Tài nguyên điện tử]

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Weather Analysis and Forecasting is a practical guide to using potential vorticity fields and water vapor imagery from satellites to elucidate complex weather patterns and train meteorologists to improve operational forecasting. In particular, it details the use of the close relationship between satellite imagery and the potential vorticity fields in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. It shows how to interpret water vapor patterns in terms of dynamical processes in the atmosphere and their relation to diagnostics available from weather prediction models. The book explores topics including: a dynamical view of synoptic development; the interpretation problem of satellite water vapor imagery; practical use of water vapor imagery and dynamical fields; significant water vapor imagery features associated with synoptic dynamical structures; and use of water vapor imagery for assessing NWP model behavior and improving forecasts. Applications are illustrated with color images based on real meteorological situations.
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Tác giả
Georgiev, Christo G.
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