Animal Behaviour vol 155

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A meta-analysis of interindividual differences in innovation; Cache placement near nests by a multiple-prey loader, the Siberian chipmunk; Group size and decision making: experimental evidence for minority games in fish behaviour; Personality homophily affects male social bonding in wild Assamese macaques, Macaca assamensis; Choosy Gulf pipefish males ignore age but prefer active females with deeply keeled bodies; Multimodal cues facilitate nest recognition in carpenter bee aggregations; Range overlap and spatiotemporal relationships of frugivorous lemurs at Kianjavato, Madagascar; Eavesdropping on adult vocal interactions does not enhance juvenile song learning: an experiment with wild songbirds; Causes and consequences of avian within-season dispersal decisions in a dynamic grassland environment; Dappled light disrupts prey detection by masking movement; Effects of predator call playbacks on reproductive success and extrapair paternity in blue tits; Mimicry cannot explain rejection type in a host–brood parasite system; Bumblebees forage on flowers of increasingly complex morphologies despite low success; Submissive behaviour is mediated by sex, social status, relative body size and shelter availability in a social fish; Can your behaviour blow you away? Contextual and phenotypic precursors to passive aerial dispersal in phytophagous mites; Sensory differences mediate species variation in detour task performance; Out of sight, out of mind: mechanisms of social choice in fish; Dynamic networks of fighting and mating in a wild cricket population; Wolves in space: locations of individuals and their effect on pup survival in groups of a cooperatively breeding canid; Plant volatiles are a salient cue for foraging mammals: elephants target preferred plants despite background plant odour; Exploratory behaviour covaries with preference for unfamiliar males in female guppies;
The survival of the shyest: a computational model shows the effect of web structure on the origins of social spiders; Effects of inbreeding on life-history traits and sexual competency in decorated crickets; Influence of signal direction on sonar interference; Multiple testing: correcting for alpha error inflation with false discovery rate (FDR) or family-wise error rate?; Is eliciting disgust responses from its predators beneficial for toxic prey?; Animal Beauty: On the Evolution of Biological Aesthetics By, C. Nüsslein-Volhard. MIT Press., Cambridge, MA (2019), 128pp. $14.95 hardback; What are we not asking about the evolution of behaviour that we should be asking?; Loss and re-emergence of plastic ancestral behavioural traits: influences on phenotypic and evolutionary pattern; On understanding the nature and evolution of social cognition: a need for the study of communication; Rethinking animal social complexity measures with the help of complex systems concepts; Understanding how neural responses contribute to the diversity of avian colour vision; On the importance of individual differences in behavioural skill.
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