Animal Behaviour vol 156

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Spatial learning through active electroreception in Gnathonemus petersii; Be prudent if it fits you well: male mate choice depends on male size in a golden orb-weaver spider; Sexually dimorphic blue bands are intrasexual aposematic signals in nonterritorial damselflies; Play for prey: do deer fawns play to develop species-typical antipredator tactics or to prepare for the unexpected?; Plumage melanism is linked to male quality, female parental investment and assortative mating in an alpine songbird; Variation in intraspecific sperm translocation behaviour in a damselfly and its consequences for sperm viability; Behavioural responses of songbirds to preen oil odour cues of sex and species; Division of labour in territorial defence and pup retrieval by pair-bonded California mice, Peromyscus californicus; The influence of the invasive process on behaviours in an intentionally introduced hybrid, Xiphophorus helleri–maculatus; Copy when uncertain: lower light levels increase trail pheromone depositing and reliance on pheromone trails in ants; Antipredator function of vigilance re-examined: vigilant birds delay escape; Male use of chemical signals in sex discrimination of Hawaiian swordtail crickets (genus Laupala); Sperm competition tactics shape paternity: adaptive role of extremely long copulations in a wolf spider; Turbidity increases risk perception but constrains collective behaviour during foraging by fish shoals; Alternation of nest visits varies with experimentally manipulated workload in brood-provisioning great tits; Pair coordination is related to later brood desertion in a provisioning songbird; Corrigendum to ‘Fear contagion in zebrafish: a behaviour affected by familiarity’ [Animal Behaviour 153 (2019) 95–103].
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