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Alianza : pricing to enter the pension industry. Vol.4 No.4 2014 [Tài nguyên điện tử]

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In early 2009, Valentina Vial was given the assignment to develop the pricing strategy of Alianza to enter the pension industry. The company will propose a commission fee to compete with the country's existing five AFPs. Whichever AFP presents the lowest commission will be awarded the tender. When there are several competitors, the company must guess each competitor's likely pricing decision. In the analysis of the convenience for the existing five AFPs of winning the tender, the use of CLV and CE measurements is particularly relevant. Valentina Vial needed to estimate the impact of pricing on the CLV and CE of the existing five AFPs.
Mô tả
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Năm xuất bản
Tác giả
Farías, Pablo
Nhà xuất bản
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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