Ấn phẩm:

Bharat Tobacco : vendor selection and vendor rating. Vol.3 No.2 2013 [Tài nguyên điện tử]

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This case showcases the concepts of MCDM and SCM in manufacturing industry. The company wanted to select vendors and rate them in each category of raw materials in order to have a competitive advantage over competitors. Since there are multiple attributes (often contradictory in nature) based on which the vendors would be selected Kaul, Vice-President, Commercial uses multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) to help solve the problem. The case has implications for manufacturing industry in selecting vendors to meet a raw materials need.
Mô tả
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Năm xuất bản
Tác giả
Singhania, Monica
Nhà xuất bản
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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