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1 - 24 của tổng số 100 kết quả
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Ấn phẩm
31. Thymus spp. plants - Food applications and phytopharmacy properties
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Ấn phẩm
17. Encapsulation in chitosan-based nanomatrix as an efficient green technology to boost the antimicrobial, antioxidant and in situ efficacy of Coriandrum sativum essential oil
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Ấn phẩm
35. Bioprotective mechanisms of lactic acid bacteria against fungal spoilage of food
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Ấn phẩm
98. Partitioning of nutrients and non-essential elements in Swiss chards cultivated in open-air plots
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Ấn phẩm
37. Preconcentration and trace determination of copper (II) in Thai food recipes using Fe3O4@Chi–GQDs nanocomposites as a new magnetic adsorbent
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Ấn phẩm
91. Preparation of a polymeric ionic liquid-based adsorbent for stir cake sorptive extraction of preservatives in orange juices and tea drinks
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Ấn phẩm
87. Arbutus unedo L. and Ocimum basilicum L. as sources of natural preservatives for food industry: A case study using loaf bread
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Ấn phẩm
85. Selected nutrient analyses of fresh, fresh-stored, and frozen fruits and vegetables
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Ấn phẩm
72. Particle tracking analysis in food and hydrocolloids investigations
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Ấn phẩm
3. Novel Processing Technologies as Compared to Thermal Treatment on the Bioaccessibility and Caco-2 Cell Uptake of Carotenoids from Tomato and Kale-Based Juices
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Ấn phẩm
32. Identification of the bioactive compounds and antioxidant, antimutagenic and antimicrobial activities of thermally processed agro-industrial waste
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Ấn phẩm
63. Determination of hymexazol in 26 foods of plant origin by modified QuEChERS method and liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry
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Ấn phẩm
73. The preservative propionic acid differentially affects survival of conidia and germ tubes of feed spoilage fungi
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Ấn phẩm
28. Isolation and characterisation of the antifungal activity of the cowpea defensin Cp-thionin II
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Ấn phẩm
78. Simultaneous extraction and analysis of preservatives and artificial sweeteners in juices by salting out liquid-liquid extraction method prior to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
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Ấn phẩm
45. Determination of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) hull (exo- and mesocarp) phenolics by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn and UHPLC-DAD-ELSD after ultrasound-assisted extraction
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Ấn phẩm
57. Floral parts of Gomphrena globosa L. as a novel alternative source of betacyanins: Optimization of the extraction using response surface methodology
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Ấn phẩm
13. Characterization of pathogen-specific bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria and their application within cocktail against pathogens in milk
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Ấn phẩm
9. High Content Analysis technology for evaluating the joint toxicity of sunset yellow and sodium sulfite in vitro
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Ấn phẩm
19. The modes of action of epsilon-polylysine (ε-PL) against Botrytis cinerea in jujube fruit
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Ấn phẩm
71. In vivo and rheological approaches for characterizing food oral processing and usefulness of polysaccharides as texture modifiers- A review
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Ấn phẩm
82. Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots for Preventing Biofilm Formation and Eradicating Drug-Resistant Bacteria Infection
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Ấn phẩm
39. Content and daily intake of essential and potentially toxic elements from dietary supplements marketed in Nigeria
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Ấn phẩm
44. Control of phosphate levels in seafood products from the Portuguese market: Is there a need for concern?